Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Sound as a..

After telling April about my idea to use sound as the main medium for this project I started looking further into Paul Rooney's work as when I first encountered it I felt it was very emotive. Looking through his collection I discovered this collaborative sound piece with another artist called 'Susan Phillipsz'.

"This exhibition brings together artists Susan Philipsz and Paul Rooney whose work has a shared interest in the way sound can be a trigger for memory and the emotive charge that voices and music bring to a space."

Both artists have a great interest in using popular music in their work 'the idea of being shifted from our seperate, individual experience of music, and of the world, to an experience of music that relies on belonging, being part of a group - on adding our voice to the sound of the crowd.'

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful quote Zoe! The encorporation of recorded sound playing back within my installation space relates to 'the emotive charge that voices and music bring to a space.' However, i am not using it as a memory trigger, but more as a method to bring nature and the city together emphasising their ever present co-existance. I want to play sound to my audience through headphones so that the sounds of the space they are in are still present, but their focus is taken to the sounds of a natural undercurrent. The installation space will reflect this combination recognising that 'the city is nature too', and allowing the audience to add to the audio of the city's undercurrent. I think that only by documenting the inner thoughts of people who generally use the space i can grasp a greater understanding of it. My participants reactions to their personal experience within my installation will be recorded and added to the audio that the next participant will hear. I guess in that respect the 'memory' of participants will become an element of the work, but it is intended to be more like a narrative of how successfully i achieve my goal to alter how my space is used and reflected upon in relation to evidence of nature in a city.

    With your plan to project your audio through many speakers (inspired by CutUp),i think that our ideas contrast enough to support the collaboration without being to similar. We are sharing the mutually developed concept but i think it is important that we keep our installations running parallel.
