Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Sound Recording/Editing that i've done...

I decided that for my installation i wanted my final audio cut to be no longer than five minutes. Through previous art projects where i have interacted with the public, i am considering the unfortunate fact that people are rather unwilling to take part simply as an instinctual reaction. To encourage participants to spare me some of their valuable time i chose the five minute time frame and a casual approach to what i was asking from them. I spent alot of time recording in the park at different times of day and in different weather conditions, and i too collected a vast amount of interesting audio. I recorded the obvious everyday sounds of rustling trees and singing birds, but i found the signature sounds of how the space was being used to be most endeering. The beat of joggers stepps and the scrape of the gardeners rake were two of my favourite examples, although i would say the oppertune moment where a hover fly happened to land on my speaker as i was attempting to capture the subtle hum of its wings was the highlight of the whole thing. Truely listening to the overlay of sound that surrounds us just made me keep thinking of that film 'August Rush' you should see it if you havn't already. Its awsomely cheesy and abit beautiful hehe.

Narrowing down the audio files to five minutes wasn't an easy task but i think that having so much to work from made it easyer in a way. My recording techniques improved as i mastered the altertion of intensity, and so i was able to select and cut out the highest quality/most relevant sections.

I've found the sound editing and cuting really easy to be honest. I used a programme called lodgic Pro and it was all straight forward i familiarised myself with it quickly and achieved exactly what i had hoped for. If you would like some help at all just let me know! When my participants had listened to the five minute audio track, i also recorded short interviews with each of them which i have looped onto the end of the track.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like you have got a wonderful piece of audio to install into the space! In the end GarageBand worked really well and the visual aesthetic of the program was much more user friendly than Audacity. After James from IT updated Audacity the program ran much smoother than it did in the beginning.
